Industrial Cleaning Services


JMJ Enterprises, an industrial cleaning services company in Delhi, is the global leader in the commercial cleaning industry and stops at nothing to deliver unrivaled cleaning services to the people who matter most in your business.

Cleanliness in a factory might be something that is taken for granted or not a priority worth major focus. However, studies show that potential clients consider cleanliness when choosing vendors, not just production capabilities. The cleanliness of a factory is an extension of the overall brand image and should never be ignored.

While it is very important to clean the examination rooms, it is also crucial to perform medical office cleaning as well. The doctors who spend their time with patients in the examination room spend much of the rest of the day in their offices. The same hands that grip office desk drawer handles inspect patients later. Even though doctors wash their hands countless times each day, there are always extra precautions to take. Also, if a doctor spends his time in a more sanitary environment, there is less of a chance they will get sick themselves and have to call out from work when they are truly needed.

We also provide a cleaning medical facilities include the removal of trash and the replacement of garbage bags. We also clean floors to the best of our ability as well as toilets, urinals, sinks, bathtubs and showers in restrooms. Our staff dusts during medical office cleaning as well. For a more comprehensive medical cleaning service, try our Deep Cleaning package.